Your New Wheelchair
You deserve a chair that meets ALL your needs and lifestyle requirements. From intake to delivery our number one priority is to always put YOU first.

Your New Wheelchair.
Continue below to get started with your new wheelchair order or upgrade.
Looking for maintenance and repairs, Click here.
Get your Wheelchair order started.
Complete this form to provide us with some basic information and we will contact you to schedule a free evaluation with one of our qualified Assistive Technology Professional (ATPs).
A Custom Wheelchair Fit For You.
Together with your healthcare team, our goal is to address your mobility solution from a long-term perspective, reducing overall costs and assuring the best custom solution possible. Stability, progressive diagnoses, and pressure sore prevention are all important considerations.
Custom Fit Wheelchairs that Arrive Faster.
As the field of rehab technology continues to advance and improve, Access Medical is committed to bringing you the very best in the fastest possible amount of time. We take pride in our clinical approach as we educate our staff and patients on the variety of methods designed to maximize the health and well-being of people with disabilities through assistive technology.
The ATPs at Access Medical work closely with your physician, physical therapists, and case managers to assure that the mobility solution addresses the mobility issues now and in the future. Our custom capabilities, ingenuity, and extraordinary manufacturer resources provide Access Medical with the ability to build the most effective solution.
The right wheelchair inherently reduces health care costs through preservation and extension of your independence in your residence. Our equipment and service will address multiple issues:
Preserve Skin Integrity:
Our ATPs work diligently to preserve skin integrity with proper seating, positioning, and use of clinically appropriate surfaces — with custom fabrication available as required. Such precautions often avoid potentially high healthcare costs associated with wound care.
Reduce Falls:
The treatment of injuries and complications associated with falls costs over $20 billion each year. Appropriate mobility solutions can reduce hospital admissions related to falls. Consider the dramatic savings of avoiding a single hip fracture.
Reduce Delays:
When the health care team establishes the client need for a wheelchair, any delays can increase risk of a fall or skin breakdown. Our experienced rehab team and state-of-the art software systems manage the ordering process, reducing stress, and confusion, and limiting the waiting time.
Accelerate Deliveries:
The financial stability of your mobility provider is very important. Strong financial relationships with manufacturers prevent delivery delays due to credit issues. Access Medical takes pride in the strength of our financial relationships and uses that strength to accelerate the delivery process.
Inform Clients:
With our Patient’s Guide to Wheelchair Maintenance, our clients are educated on the routine care and maintenance that can be performed by the owner or caregiver. Such standard maintenance reduces the amount of service calls and repairs necessary by Access Medical, thus reducing costs for everyone.
Ask Your Healthcare Professional:
If your health care team has not tried working with Access Medical, we hope you will give us the opportunity to demonstrate how our quality mobility solutions are able to reduce health care costs.

Built To Fit You Better.
You deserve to be comfortable in your wheelchair 100% of the time. Ask us how!
Common Questions.
Below you will find a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you are unable to find the answer to your individual question, please contact us at 800.921.4508, where we will be happy to assist you.
We provide custom wheelchairs that fit better and arrive faster. While you have the option to choose any provider to help you, we are proud of our personalized customer service and attention to detail. With our friendly and knowledgeable staff, clients can expect a more personal level of customer service that is otherwise hard to come by in the medical equipment industry. When you work with Access Medical, we will treat you like family because we hope to build a lasting relationship that will improve your quality of life.
There are over three hundred qualifying factors that enable you to get a scooter or power wheelchair at little or no cost to you. The simple answer is that if you have a mobility limitation, you can qualify. We’ll help you define that limitation and make sure that you know if, or exactly how much, you’ll have to pay out of pocket. Click here to see the step-by-step process.
If you are eligible for coverage with your carrier, we can bill your insurance to cover the expenses of the equipment we are providing you with. Depending on the terms of your plan, insurance will cover a percentage of your expenses. If you have a secondary insurance, it is possible they will cover the remaining portion. For example, if you have Medicare as your primary insurance carrier, they will cover 80% of the total cost of your equipment. If you have Medi-Cal as your secondary insurance, they will cover the remaining 20%.
For the fastest possible service, we also accept out-of-pocket payment for desired equipment. Please contact our customer service representatives to verify your insurance plan and discuss your options.
The first step in our process to help provide you with the equipment you need is to verify your insurance coverage. If you are eligible for medical equipment coverage, Access Medical will bill your insurance and ensure that you receive the maximum amount of coverage that your plan offers. In many cases, this results in little to no out-of-pocket expenses for our clients.
The answer to this question depends on your situation. Most insurance companies will use the following criteria to determine if they will pay for a new wheelchair when an existing one is in use:
Your current wheelchair is older than five years and beyond repair
If you are currently renting a manual wheelchair, the wheelchair has been rented for less than 13 months, it has been returned, and you have an accompanying pick-up ticket
If you are transitioning from a manual to a power wheelchair, medical evaluations must demonstrate the lack of upper extremity strength to propel in a manual wheelchair
Your current weight is greater than the capacity of your wheelchair
You have experienced a change in medical condition
Your wheelchair was stolen/destroyed and you have a police report stating that you were not at fault
Access Medical only employs rehabilitation and mobility specialists who are dedicated to creating mobility plans which are specific to each individual’s needs. By having a personalized consultation, our specialists ensure that the equipment we provide is customized for you. We will educate you about your options and discuss those which will suit you best. Here at Access Medical, there is no such thing as “one size fits all.”
Call your doctor and schedule an appointment to discuss the need for the equipment you are requesting as soon as possible. Then set up a free consultation with us so that we can educate you about your options. Depending on the equipment being requested, we may ask that you have a physical therapy evaluation completed to determine what equipment will fully meet your medical needs. If so, we have several therapists we are happy to refer you to.
Then, leave the rest up to us.